This is the ever-incredible Team Rocket Pokédex. All entries are made by Team Rocket members, but currently only Psycho and myself have access rights to edit this document. Here it is, not all 152 Pokémon are here yet, but expect more coming.
# 16- Pidgey
Pidgey is the first form of a great line of flying pokémon, with Pidgeotto (Level 18) and Pidgeot (Level 36) to follow up on him. He is weak in his first stage, but gets stronger fast, and for a flying-only pokémon, Pidgey is a good first choice.
# 22- Fearow
This is one of the most aggressive pokémon I've ever seen, and it is an excellent flying-type pokémon. It has excellent attacks, but it's stats are nowhere near as impressive as Pidgeot. (and still, niether learn Sky Attack)
# 24- Arbok
This pokémon is the evolved form of Ekins, a snake pokémon (at level 22). This pokémon is made famous by the those two bumbling idiots, whom I sent to Siberia, Jesse and James. Arbok has a very high attack power, average defense, and excellent speed. His special power is good, but not very necessary because of his attacks being primarily physicals.
# 34 Nidoking
Nidoking is, in a word, HUGE!!!!! He is an incredibly big and powerful pokémon, evolving from Nidorino only with the aid of a moon stone. This is by far my favorite line of pokémon, possibly with the exception of Vaporeon. Nidoking learns no attacks naturally, except Thrash, at level 30-something, but who cares, because Nidorino should be at least level 50 before he evolves.
# 38 Ninetales
Ninetales is much like Nidoking, only smaller. She is a very majestic, yet vengeful pokémon, and evolves with a fire stone. She should be evolved from Vulpix at level 52 or higher, once she learns Fire Spin, because Ninetales has no attacks of her own.
# 57 Primeape
Primeape is a psychotic (not psychic), powerful, and yet fairly small, fighting pokémon. He packs huge attacks like Seismic Toss, and can beat even the biggest pokémon. (mine took down an Alakazam)
# 62 Poliwrath
Poliwrath, like Ninetales and Nidoking, cannot learn attacks on his own. He must get his ultimates in the Poliwhirl stage before becoming Poliwrath through a water stone. Poliwrath is quite good and should be evolved after learning Hydro Pump.
# 65 Alakazam
Alakazam Rocks!! That is about all I have to say about the strongest Psychic pokémon in the universe. He is incredible, but his defense is not good at all. Reflect, if you want it, makes up for this. Giving him Barrier also works well.
# 77 Ponyta
Ponyta is a fairly weak fire-type, but his evolution, Rapidash, is very fast and quite strong, too. I think Ponyta is worth getting, to evolve him into Rapidash at level 40.
# 83 Farfetch'd
Farfetch'd has good speed, period. His attack power is bad, defense is bad, special is nearly zero. He is not a pokémon to hang on to, but he actually is useful for a LOT of trainers. Maybe you can come up with something, too. The only way to get Farfetch'd is to trade a Spearow for it in Vermillion City.
# 86 Seel
Seel is a weak water/ice pokémon, and I see little reason to bother catching this except for the fact that you can only get 1 Lapras.
# 131 Lapras
Lapras is the best Water/Ice pokémon in the game, bar none. It has good special attacks, and excellent physicals (ex. Body Slam). It can do almost any status ailment, including paralyze, if you do what I did. (my Lapras, Syldra, has Thunder, Ice beam Sing, and Surf)
# 134 Vaporeon
Vaporeon is the strongest evolution of Eevee, and probably the second best water pokémon. He has good attacks, and acid armor is very valuble. I can't fight a big battle without Vaporeon, because he can ice a level 100 Blastoise. (Mine's level 48)