Welcome To Team Rocket's Final Fantasy Page!
We are doing OK now, but you may experience some difficulty accessing Final Fantasy 3. Just go to www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/vampire/677/ff3.html and it should work. (or not)
What's New
- 99/05/25- I think I finaly got that bug fixed! If not, then I made all of my Final Fantasy 3 stuff for nothing, and I will keep trying.
- 99/06/12- I got it FIXED!!! Now I can finish my pok�dex!!! My FF3 Stuff is also up for good.
- 99/06/13- Team Rocket's Final Final Fantasy (1) Page is good to go. Any stuff you have could be emailed to me, If you have any consideration for my page.
- 99/06/15- I am starting a pok�mon TCG page, so, if you have any decks, etc., you can mail them to me.
- 99/07/03- I haven't updated for a while, but I got a descent 2 level up: Magma Dome. It is okay, get it right here.
Get Magma Dome!
- Name: Meowth
- Age: 1
- Height: 1' 2"
- Weight: 14 lbs.
- Hobbies/intrests: Tearing Kefka to pieces, playing with balls
Click on the link below to enter...
This will be a link to my page of Pok�mon greatness....
Go to my Final Fantasy 1 page!